Why Accurate Sewer Mapping Is Necessary


Sewer mapping is essential because of how important it is. Your sewer system is one of the most crucial utilities that a typical person has access to. Think about how many common household objects and activities are connected to the sewer. You generate high volumes of wastewater every day by simply turning on the faucet, doing a load of laundry, or flushing the toilet. In fact, the average person in the US uses 80-100 gallons per day for indoor home-usage. That is a lot of wastewater that needs to exit your home every day.

So whenever you need work completed near a sewer line, it’s critical the locations of the utilities involved are precisely known. Heaven forbid you to strike the line, and a single or cluster of homes get affected.

What are Sewer Maps? 

A sewer map is a map of all the sewer lines that run beneath a given area. It shows where the pipes are running, and thereby all the places that the sewer lines are connected. Whether they are accurately and periodically updated is another issue but most municipalities have a map of utilities that they maintain regularly, such as the utility map managed by the City of Toronto.

Why is Sewer Mapping so important? 

If inaccurate sewer mapping causes damage to the sewer lines because workers didn’t know the locations of lines, it can be quite costly, not to mention inconvenient.
For example, a dangerous situation that can occur with inaccurate sewer mapping is cross-boring. A cross bore is when a pipe inserted by trenchless technology intersects another utility line. Imagine a gas line punctures a sewer line and causes a blockage. Thus, in turn, prompts a homeowner, unaware of the underlying problem, to call a plumber and clear the blockage. In the process, the plumber may damage the gas pipe, allowing natural gas to leak into the sewer line. This situation can turn into literally an explosive problem very quickly.

As with any other utility lines, it is paramount that accurate sewer mapping is done. When working in any area, ensure that all utilities on site have been clearly located before any excavation or trenchless work is completed. This way, you avoid any damages from happening in the first place. Prevention is the best way to go at all times.

PRISUM Underground Utility Mapping Technology

Here at PRISUM, we have a 3D gyroscopic mapping solution to address the common challenges of underground utility mapping. We understand the importance of accurate maps of your assets. Please explore our site and feel free to attend a live online demo or virtual conference.