PRISUM Virtual Conference Call for Proposals and Presenters #LiveGasMapping
Virtual Conference Date: March 25, 2021
PRISUM will be hosting a virtual conference on March 25 and is seeking proposals for educational speakers. The theme is “Live Gas Mapping” (#LiveGasMapping), with an additional focus on damage prevention and safety.
Presentations will be considered around the following topics:
What important industry trends, developments, and technologies do you see with damage prevention and safety when it comes to gas pipeline mapping?
How would live gas mapping technology change the industry, and on what levels?
What do you think needs to be shared with your colleagues and industry community for the possibilities of #LiveGasMapping?
We will be using a Zoom webinar to host this conference. The conference takes place from 9:00 am Central to 5:00 pm, with various slots for presentations, interactive discussions, and online networking.
All presentations will be a maximum of 40 minutes with an additional 15 minutes for Q&A.
The deadline to confirm your presentation is March 1, 2021.
To submit for consideration, please provide an email to Jeanne Peterson with the following information:
Topic and Purpose (Learning Objective) of the Presentation
Title of Your Presentation
Names of All Speakers Including Their Bios (1 Paragraph)
Copy of Your First Draft of PowerPoint Slides and Other Materials
Any Special Instructions Required Such as Links, Distribution, and Communication
To submit a proposal, and if you have any questions, please submit them to Jeanne Peterson –