3D Utilities Mapping to Solve Sewer Pipe Blockage Problem


In River Falls, WI, the 2013 9th Street sewer installation was still causing blockage issues for city administrators. The city set out to fix the problem.

The initial hypothesis was that the issues were due to bad soil beneath the sewer main that resulted in floating pipe. Cameras were used to confirm this, but they could not prove or disprove the hypothesis this way. Furthermore, they were unable to pinpoint the exact depth and location of the blockage. Because they did not know what the problem was they could not begin any work.

In January 2020, PRISUM Technologies went to the field with our DR-4 precision mapping tool with inverted wheels. In just under two hours, we were able to successfully map 390 feet of pipe. The winter afternoon in River Falls was 16 degrees at its high so city officials very much appreciated the speed and not having to bear the cold for too long.

Accurate Utilities Mapping Data

The mapping run correctly identified that blockage issues were due to abrupt changes in pipe elevation vs. bad soil. Armed with accurate data and a precise map, the city was confidently able to show the original contractor what the issue was. Blockages were promptly repaired without having to excavate the entire section of pipe, saving money and time.

Without PRISUM’s tools, this work would have been delayed for much longer. In addition, the likelihood of inaccuracy would have been higher and that would have meant increased cost and inefficiency.

Infrastructure work needs clarity and speed not just for those involved in the actual process, but for those who rely on their public utilities system. PRISUM Technologies offers solutions you can rely on regardless of the problem.

Need a solution for your utilities mapping? Contact us for a demo.