Gyroscopic Underground Utility Mapping - Benefits and Technology

gyroscopic underground utility mapping

Gyroscopic technology in utility mapping is more important than ever. As time goes by, underground utility assets are becoming more complex. Various webs of infrastructure consisting of telecommunication, electricity, gas, water and cable TV grids, are competing for space with drainage, rail lines, and road tunnels. It strains any development or maintenance of utility services. And with parallel networks being laid, intersecting others, the risk for accidental damage is ever increasing. 

This is why gyroscopic technology is needed. It is a great solution to deliver accurate underground utility mapping. 

What is a gyroscope? 

In a simple sense, a gyroscope is a device that contains a rapidly spinning wheel or disc. This mechanism allows the system to keep its angular momentum at a constant rate. They are used in many places to stabilize, guide, or measure rotational movement. One of the most simple examples of gyroscopes is a bicycle wheel, which keeps the bicycle upright and stable as it spins faster.  In more recent use cases, gyroscopes are used in smartphones as accelerometers to detect the movement of the device in three-dimensional space. 

How is a gyroscopic tool used in underground utility mapping? 

A gyroscopic mapping tool uses the mechanism of a gyroscope in order to deliver accurate 3D information underground. Gyroscopic mapping involves using a gyroscopic probe to plot an underground route or profile a specific area within a short amount of time. It maps its findings along the route and these data points can be plotted using software to provide a full picture over the distance covered by any underground utilities, blockages, or voids.

In many cases, a gyroscopic mapping tool is used for accurately locating a pipe route in its entirety, detecting any problems along the line. It can be used within pipelines and can enter from any entrance of the pipe since the tools simply plot their location at any given point, building a picture of their surroundings as they travel through the line. Every single point of a survey using a gyroscopic tool can record up to a million individual points per second of the area surrounding the tool. So not only can it precisely locate the line as it is laid underground, but it can also detect obstructions that are not visible from above the ground surface. 

What are the benefits of gyroscopic underground utility mapping? 

A gyroscopic probe is an autonomous device, so it can travel to any depth and get through obstacles. It is also not dependent on GPS technology while logging, so it’s ideal for mapping underground areas where signals may be weaker. 

Gyroscopic mapping tools can be also used in any pipe material and by any utility of any size, length, or depth. This flexibility gives greater utility than other mapping solutions. 

Since the probe runs the entire length of whatever pipe it is inserted into, gyroscopic mapping also provides an accurate picture of where utilities run from and to. It leaves almost no room for error that may come from trying to locate underground assets.  

It is also very non-invasive and poses minimal risks to the operator. 

Would you like to know more about how gyroscopic mapping tools work? We are offering a live online demo every month. Register here now! 

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