As-Built Maps - How Important Are They? A Case Study
Why As-Built Maps are Important
As-built maps are crucial in any work environment dealing with underground assets. In order to ensure that no unnecessary damages occur, workers need to have access to data. As-built maps are the only type of maps that show subsurface elements as they are in reality.
Without knowing exactly what is underneath the visible surface, there can be many problems. Cable installations can run into unknown blocks, causing delays. Whole sections of the site may need to be excavated just to figure out a small issue. The potential for massive costs is very present without available as-built maps.
Case Study on As-Built Maps
Here is a recent case study on why as-built maps are important. A global leader in the manufacturing of fiber optic cable attempted to install its new ultra-high fiber cable into an existing 2-inch duct during a training exercise at one of its own facilities. During the session, it ran into a major glitch. The cable had become lodged in a specific section on the ductwork.
The manufacturer reached out to PRISUM to evaluate the duct segment and figure out why the cable installation was unsuccessful. Here, we used a mapping tool that was capable of mapping 38 mm–50 mm duct. The data collected was analyzed using proprietary software to generate map and profile information.
The results showed that at the 52-meter mark the pipe had severe depth undulations with significant elevation changes keeping the new cable from successfully being drawn through the duct.
Thus, as-built maps are crucial. This case was only a training session, but in real professional situations, multi-million-dollar cables can be put in jeopardy of getting stuck or damaged without the proper mapping analyses. It can result in costly overruns and delays in project completion.
How to Get Accurate As-Built Maps
The only way to get accurate as-built maps is to correctly map the entire asset from end to end. This includes all elements of the map, as seen from the case study.
With many types of technologies, there are possibilities of making mistakes when attempting to get accurate maps.
One type of technology that guarantees accurate as-built maps is gyroscopic mapping technology. This type of solution uses probes that travel through the entire length of the pipe, which means that it will record every aspect of the asset as it is laid in the ground.
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